正上演著極致魅力的踢踏舞秀~『火焰之舞 FEET OF FLAMES』
火焰之舞2008 TAIWAN節目本~~
豬頭妹..衝動下的產物....『火焰之舞 FEET OF FLAMES』門票 4000大洋...
時間依舊凝結,掌管一切的居爾特女神〝愛靈〞….圍著石頭而坐的古老部落長老們聽見了呢喃細語,精靈「海倫‧伊根 HELEN EGAN飾」的夢境出現了惡兆,一股新的邪惡力量正蠢蠢而動準備挑戰舞王「戴明安‧歐肯 DAMIEN O'KANE飾」…. 森林的小精靈吹著她魔法的笛子,將她希望之塵灑向沉睡中的少女,喚醒了她們,女孩們跳著優雅輕盈的舞步慶祝甦醒的愉悅,隨即一場歡樂和平的舞會就在節奏強烈的鼓聲及舞王動感活力十足的舞步中展開….
美麗清純的蘇爾絲「班妮蒂‧弗林 BERNADETTE FLYNN飾」與女孩們快樂地跳著舞卻不知黑暗的力量正悄悄的靠近… 戴著邪惡面具的黑暗之王唐德卡「湯瑪斯‧可尼漢 THOMAS CUNNINGHAM飾」帶領著他的黑暗戰士正隨機而動奪取舞王的王位,並準備破壞愛爾蘭之地的祥和。 而另一股威脅愛爾蘭之地的邪惡力量來自蠍美人莫琳安「黎安‧麥肯娜 LEIGH ANN MCKENNA飾」─ 性感、美豔,處心積慮想要誘惑舞王,這天她跳著火辣的舞步向舞王情有獨鐘的蘇爾絲示威,兩個女人的愛情爭戰隨即點燃…
這天,蘇爾絲與女伴們正快樂地跳著舞,舞王站一旁用愛慕的眼神蘇爾絲,然而,蛇蠍美人莫琳安卻突然出現,火辣熱情的她跳著魅惑之舞引誘著舞王,被迷惑的舞王也跟著起舞,善良的蘇爾絲只能在一旁傷心地看著,忽然舞王發現了自己真正心之所愛的是蘇爾絲,因此他離開莫琳安的懷抱,轉身向蘇爾絲表白並獻出他的真情之吻。 被拋棄的莫琳安心有不甘地興起了報復的念頭,而這也讓伺機一旁的黑暗之王逮到了一個打倒舞王的機會。他們決定一起設計傷害舞王,他們利用舞王落單的時候,黑暗之王率領戰士們奪取了代表舞王神力來源的腰帶,並將失去力量的舞王一舉擊垮推入死亡深淵,然而,當黑暗之王在慶祝奪取王位成功之時,小精靈卻悄悄施展魔法讓舞王再度復活,並打敗了黑暗之王奪回王座,讓愛爾蘭之地再度回復以往的平靜。
【製作人-麥可‧佛萊利 MICHAEL FLATLY】
1980年代時,麥可加入著名的愛爾蘭舞團_首領舞團(The Chieftains),也開始了他的職業舞蹈生涯。就在這個舞臺上,他對與舞蹈、體育和音樂的熱情也開始浮現。
1993年受邀至都柏林著名的梅奧精神舞蹈節(The Sprit of Mayo Festival)表演,他獨一無二的愛爾蘭舞蹈風格受到極大的好評與讚揚。1994年四月,在都柏林舉行的歐洲歌唱大賽中,他為中場節目創作了【大河之舞】這個表演。而麥可多年來在他的巡迴表演中努力追求的完美,就在這一刻達到高峰。這場七分鐘的表演在全球三億觀眾面前播出,也開啟了他全球的舞蹈事業。
大河之舞中,愛爾蘭歷史和麥可夢想相互融合,釋放出一股巨大的能量,這股浪潮讓愛爾蘭舞蹈獲得世界的注意,也讓麥可一夕之間成為巨星。為了滿足來自世界各地的要求,他將大河之舞延伸成一個完整的表演,在眾人期待中,1995年2月【大河之舞】在都柏林的焦點劇院(Point Theatre)好評上演,並且持續發燒到倫敦。但是到了十月,命運似乎另有安排,在擔任了三個多月的男主角之後,麥可在激烈的爭論中離開了【大河之舞】,立誓要創作一個超越它的成功作品。
這部作品正是1996年七月在都柏林首演的【舞王】。這場表演創下了全球現場演出和錄影帶銷售的紀錄。在澳洲,二十五萬張的門票在十天內銷售一空。1997年三月,舞王在無線電城音樂廳(Radio City Music Hall)連續十三場爆滿的演出轟動美國。
另外,麥可與舞團也在好萊塢的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上表演,全球有超過二十五億觀眾透過電視觀看這場演出。1998年,【舞王】破紀錄在倫敦的溫布里劇院(Wembley Arena)舉行二十一場演出。世界各地錄影帶的銷售量已經超過一千兩百萬張。
以男主角的身分完成了390場表演之後,麥可在【舞王】的最後一場演出是1998年6月28日在都柏林的RDS體育場中。但是他的下一個冒險才正要開始,麥可準備要用令人目眩神迷的【火焰之舞】將他的表演藝術推向全新的境界。這場表演於1998年在倫敦十分具有歷史性的「國王之路」(Route of Kings)首度演出,吸引了超過兩萬五千名的觀眾。特殊設計的四層升降舞台、超過一百名的舞者還有現場樂隊與合唱團,加上麥可令人著迷的個人獨舞。這是英國史上最大的有座位演出,同時也是最炫麗的一場秀,【火焰之舞】當晚演出的錄影帶成為世界史上銷售最佳的演出之一,並且在世界各地均得到白金銷售的成績。
海德公園(Hyde Park)的演出之後,麥可終於可以獲得該有的休息,但他並沒有忘記「跟隨夢想」的人生哲學。他把1988年剩下的時間用來培養新的【舞王】舞團,其中一團還在佛羅里達的迪士尼樂園演出。但觀眾期盼聲音仍然來自四面八方,因此麥可被說服加入新版的【火焰之舞】,巡迴歐洲與美國。
2000年的夏天,麥可在西歐超過四百萬的觀眾面前演出,其中包括一場在匈牙利布達佩斯(Budapest, Hungary)的演出,有超過十萬的觀眾參與這場盛宴。歐洲巡迴的最後一場演出是在北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特市的斯托蒙特(Stormont, Belfast),麥可證明了音樂和舞蹈可以突破歷史的藩籬,將人心連結在一起。接下來在他所發行的錄影帶「黃金歲月」中,不但記錄了麥可讓人驚訝的職業生涯,其中也包括了許多貝爾法斯特與布達佩斯演出的片段。
不管他到哪裡演出,所到之處的觀眾都熱情的回應並起立鼓掌。2001年六月,麥可帶著【火焰之舞】巡迴美國二十個城市,其中最值得紀念的是麥可實現了在紐約麥迪遜花園廣場(Madison Square Garden)表演的夢想,幸運買到票去看演出的觀眾都認為那是麥可到達顛峰的一場演出。
2003年三月,麥可於紐約獲頒「年度愛爾蘭籍美國人」的殊榮。五月時,他重新穿上舞鞋,演出【舞王】中的舞碼「戰士」,這是他近兩年來第一次登台表演,全球最有權力的領袖均坐在台下欣賞麥可的演出,包括英國首相東尼‧布萊爾(Tony Blair)、俄羅斯總理佛拉迪米爾‧普京(Vladimir Putin)、德國總理格哈德‧施羅德(Gerhard Schroeder)、中國總理江澤民、以及歐洲組織的領袖等。麥可的演出是為了慶祝俄羅斯最美麗的城市之一╴聖彼得堡建城三百週年紀念。表演結束時,俄羅斯總理普京第一個到後台向麥可致意,表示這是他看過最棒的表演之一,並邀請麥可在紅場演出。
Michael Flatly
Michael began dancing professionally in the 1980’s with the acclaimed Irish group the Chieftains. It was at this stage that his passions for dance, athleticism and music began to merge.
“I can go back to when I was six years old. I was always getting in trouble for dreaming, and the things I got in trouble for dreaming then are the things I’m doing today.”
While touring with the band in the 1980’s, Michael used audience reaction to gauge the impact of his ever-evolving vision of Irish dance. Intent on recapturing the passion of his heritage, he began the process of liberating traditional Irish dance from generations of rigidity. He incorporated arm movement and heart-stopping rhythm into traditional steps. Standing ovations at prestigious venues like Carnegie Hall convinced Michael that his innovative style was a winning formula; one that could move people and excite audiences.
“You’re out on the stage, the music is blaring, the crowd is screaming, the lights are flashing, your heart is pumping, the sweat is flying, and it’s the greatest feeling in the world.”
In 1993, he was invited to perform at The Spirit of Mayo Festival in Dublin, where his unique style of Irish dance was critically acclaimed. In April 1994, he created Riverdance as part of the interval feature for the Eurovision Song Contest, broadcast from Dublin. It was the culmination of everything Michael had striven to perfect through his years of touring. Seen by a worldwide audience of 300 million, this seven minute performance launched his international dance career.
“Think of a thing that gives you goose bumps,
then do it!”
The surge of energy released by its fusion of Ireland’s history and Michael’s vision brought Irish dance to the attention of the world – and made him a star overnight. In an effort to satisfy the international clamour for more, he expanded Riverdance into a full-length production. It opened to critical acclaim at Dublin’s Point Theatre in February 1995 and continued on to a successful London run. But by October, fate took a hand. After thirteen weeks in the starring role, Michael left the show amid great controversy, vowing to exceed its success with a brand new creation.
The result was Lord of the Dance, which premiered in Dublin in July, 1996. The show set live performance and video sales records all over the world. In Australia, 250,000 tickets sold out in 10 days. In March 1997, Lord of the Dance hit the US with 13 consecutive sold out performances at Radio City Music Hall.
Michael and his troupe performed live at the Academy Awards show in Hollywood before a television audience of over 2.5 billion. In 1998, Lord of the Dance set a record-breaking run of 21 shows at London’s legendary Wembley Arena, and worldwide the video sold in excess of 12 million copies.
After 390 performances in the title role, Michael starred in his final performance of Lord of the Dance at Dublin’s RDS arena on 28 June 1998. But his next venture was already underway as he prepared to take art to a new level with the mesmerizing Feet of Flames. The show received its premiere in July 1998 before an audience of over 25,000 at London’s historic ‘Route of Kings’. A specially engineered four-tiered stage showcased over 100 dancers, a full band and chorus, plus his spellbinding a cappella solo. The largest seated show ever performed in the UK, it was also the biggest, most visually dazzling dance show ever staged. The performance video became one of the top sellers of all time, going platinum the world over.
After the Hyde Park show, Michael took a well-deserved break from touring – but not from living his “follow your dreams” philosophy. He spent the rest of 1998 developing new Lord of the Dance troupes, including one at Disneyworld’s Epcot Center in Florida. But soon his public demanded more and Michael was persuaded to tour Europe and the United States with a thrilling new version of Feet of Flames.
In September 1999, Michael announced his new Feet of Flames 2000 World Tour in a spectacular one-off launch event, emerging from the depths of a flaming lake on the grounds of Satsvey Castle in Southern Germany.
During the summer of 2000, the show played to over four million people in Western Europe, including a single audience of over 100,000 in Budapest, Hungary. The last European show, a spectacular finale at Stormont in Belfast, Northern Ireland, proved that hearts united through music and dance need pay no head to historical boundaries. The following video release, Gold, chronicled Michael’s astonishing career and included many scenes shot during these Belfast and Budapest shows.
Wherever he took the show, Michael was met with enthusiastic audiences and standing ovations. Beginning in June 2001, Michael brought his Feet of Flames – The Victory Tour, to 20 American cities. The highlight was the fulfillment of Michael’s dream to perform to a sell-out crowd at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Those fortunate enough to get a ticket agreed, this was truly Michael at the pinnacle of his art.
Even without Michael in the starring role, Lord of the Dance continued to play to delighted audiences around the world. With three troupes on the road at any one time, the production gave repeat tours in Australia, Germany, France and the USA.
“It has always been my dream and ambition to introduce Irish dancing to the world.”
Michael’s achievements and awards are countless. They include entries in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s highest paid dancer, and the highest insurance premium placed on a dancer’s legs (a mind-boggling $40,000,000). He holds the record too for tap dancing speed; exceeding his first record of 28 taps per second set in 1989, with a phenomenal 35 taps per second in 1998, at the age of 39.
The summer of 2004 saw Michael Flatley begin rehearsals for his eagerly anticipated new show, Celtic Tiger.
“You can take as much as your mind can trick you into believing you can take. It proved to me that nothing could stop me. The most important thing is that you believe in yourself and keep on going.”
讓豬頭妹感到震撼的是一開始的『武士 THE WARRIORS』在整齊劃一動作及聲響真想找出缺點都很難啊....